SIPS: Double Jack
Appearance: Pours golden/amber color. It’s very transparent. You can almost see right through it. Forms a very fluffy, two-finger white head that sticks around moderately well but not too long. Smell:...
View ArticleSIPS: Lagunitas Lucky 13 (Anniversary Release)
Appearance: The first thing you notice is the white head. It’s about a two-finger white head. It’s a very amber/red colored beer, as advertised. It’s more of a pilsner then anything. Smell: First of...
View ArticleSIPS: Stiegl Goldbräu
Appearance: Pale blond with the slightest hint of haziness. When poured it has about a finger of heavy white foam that doesn’t last very long. Smell: Sweet maltiness hits first and pretty much...
View ArticleSIPS: Sierra Nevada Torpedo (Extra IPA)
Appearance: This beer has a nice deep amber color. When poured it produces a pretty decent foam head that sticks around for just long enough (which results in a small but amount of lacing). Smell: Due...
View ArticleSIPS: Edmund Fitzgerald
I first had this beer in the summer of 2010. My soon to be sister-in-law and her husband got me a Great Lakes Brewery sample pack as a graduation present. At the time I wasn’t into craft beers so I...
View ArticleSIPS: Brother Thelonious
Appearance: Pours a reddish-brown tint with a tan head that doesn’t stick around too long. Smell: The aromas that tickles the nose is a burst of alcohol. The caramel notes comes through after the...
View ArticleSIPS: Hobgoblin
Appearance: It has ruby red color that barely allows you to see through it. The head is decently heathy when poured and sticks around for bit. Smell: There’s a definite toasted nutty scent that...
View ArticleSIPS: Robert the Bruce
Appearance: This Scottish ale has a reddish amber tint. Smell: Three Floyds brews are known for their high malty profile but this beer surprisingly the first scent you notice is a chocolate brownie...
View ArticleSIPS: Maximus
Appearance: Maximus has a bright amber color. Almost like a maple syrup or tree sap. The foam head is at least a good three inches thick and it lingers a round for a good while. Smell: There are huge...
View ArticleSIPS: Union Jack IPA
Appearance: This Fire Stone brew has a bright golden color in the glass. It’s almost a bridge of an amber and blond. The off-white foam head might not stay around long, but the lacing defiantly...
View ArticleSIPS: Brian Boru
Appearance: Deep red amber color. There’s about a two finger foam head that stays moderately well but leaves spots of lacing of the glass as a reminder it was there. Smell: Citrus notes hit your nose...
View ArticleSIPS: Fat Tire
Appearance: This brew has a clear yet amber color. When it’s poured theres a few inches of frothy white foam that laces the glass but doesn’t last very long. Smell: There is the sweet biscuits and...
View ArticleSIPS: Winter White Ale
Appearance: This beer has a cloudy golden blond color that really embraces the winter season. Winter white has about a inch of a foam head that disappears almost immediately. Smell: Although there’s...
View ArticleSIPS: Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier
Appearance: When pour this beer has a semi-bright ruby-chestnut color. There’s a two inch creamy from head when poured correctly. Smell: There’s a strong smoky nose with hints of peats, leather, ashes,...
View ArticleSIPS: Smoke Porter
Appearance: Smoke Porter has a dark reddish brown tent when poured in the glass. It does leaves a 1 inch pearl white foam behind. The foam sticks around for a little bit. Smell: There’s a definite...
View ArticleSIPS: Tripel Karmeliet
Appearance: It has a clear golden yellowish head. When the beer is poured it the head is very fluffy and thick. It reseeds extremely slowly. Smell: There’s a very sweet grain note that comes to the...
View ArticleSIPS: Dale’s Pale Ale
Appearance: This brew has a copper pot color tinge when poured. When poured there’s a fluffy pearly white foam head. Smell: Popping the can the first scent that hits the nose a pine and citrus...
View ArticleNYC: What We Ate, Did, and Saw
It’s been two years since Katie and I have been in New York City together (and almost three years since we lived there). Although I’ve probably been back four times since then, Katie hasn’t been as...
View ArticleHomemade Mozzarella
Yesterday was Katie and I’s five year (of being together) anniversary. Now with every big event in ours lives I alway prefer to cook rather then eating out. With that said I decided to make a three...
View ArticleSIPS: 120 Minute IPA
Appearance: When 120 minute is poured it has a bright golden orange color. The color is a vibrant deep shade of orange. Its a mouth watering site. The white head…
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